To: Local Falun Dafa Associations, Assistance Centers, & Assistants:
This is to announce that the "Hong Kong 2001 Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference" is scheduled between January 13 and January 14, 2001 (Saturday & Sunday). Practitioners from all other countries and regions are welcome. Schedule for detailed conference activities will be announced later. Here are a few things you all need to pay attention to:
- Participants who are unable to arrange hotels should contact Ms. Chen as soon as possible at (852) 8100-5033; [email protected]). January is the peak season for tourism in Hong Kong; therefore, please contact Ms. Chen during December 2000 with the list of people who will want rooms;
- Notify us of the approximate number of participants that will be coming from each region two weeks before the Conference (before December 30, 2000.), and provide a list of the names of participants one week before the Conference (before January 6, 2001);
- Practitioners shall submit their experience-sharing articles before January 3, 2001 preferably with English translation (for articles in Chinese), or Chinese translation (for articles in other languages); The articles shall not be more than 3,000 words, and computer generated-copies are preferred;
Contact Information:
Email: [email protected] (preferred method)
Fax: (852) 2388-1818;
Xu-Zhang, Qixian; 9879-9879;
Chen, Yongguang: 9634-8516;
Jian, Hongzhang: 9876-3530.
Preparation Team "Hong Kong 2001 Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference"
December 13, 2000
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