(Minghui.org) I moved to a different city several years ago. Some of the local Falun Dafa practitioners there have been brutally persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for more than 10 years.
We lacked informational materials on the persecution that would make our truth-clarification efforts more effective and would create a safer environment for practitioners.
I decided to collate 13 years of information on the persecution in the area and write a summary report. I first outlined the areas that I wanted to cover:
• Deaths• Restriction of freedom: arrests, labor camp detentions, illegal sentences, harassment• Economic persecution: confiscations, extortion• Mental persecution: brainwashing• Torture• Key persecution cases• Bad people receiving retribution for their crimes against practitioners• Good people receiving blessings for their moral conduct
I then began to collect information from the Minghui website.
Including Every Detail
I searched for articles using the local city's name. I didn't want to overlook a single detail, so I also searched for articles under all the township names, because some reports do not mention the name of the city.
I then selected content based on the categories above. I focused on one category at a time and went through all the articles multiple times so I wouldn't miss anything.
It was a huge undertaking. It took a long time to copy and paste all the searched results, and then select content for each category. I spent on average 10 hours a day at the computer. Other than studying the Fa, doing the exercises, and sending forth righteous thoughts, I was in front of my computer.
I started to feel nauseous as soon as I saw or thought about the computer, but I suppressed it, because I knew that the work was important and that exposing the CCP's persecution was the right thing to do.
Categorizing Information
Once the content was selected, I created statistical data, which was tedious and laborious. I double checked the figures multiple times.
The accounts of torture suffered by local practitioners were many, and I knew that I had to document every single one, so I categorized them.
For example, for "Accounts of Torture," I sub-categorized: Beating - punched, kicked, or slapped. Then, the torture instruments used and which body parts they were used on.
For "Economic Persecution," one of the sub-categories was items the police confiscated, such as cash, electronic equipment, jewelry, forms of identifications, etc. There ended up being 184 different items.
I then looked into the amounts the police extorted from practitioners' families. I also looked at the frequency of brainwashing sessions and listed the names of the perpetrators.
Cultivating Xinxing
When I began organizing materials, I often broke into tears. I read a huge number of persecution articles in a short timeframe. My heart raced when I read about so many families being torn apart and practitioners being severely tortured.
I went through stages of anxiety and often thought of my own experiences. Reading the stories of so many practitioners was overwhelming.
I knew that I should not look at the information from a human perspective and should relinquish my emotional ties to practitioners. I would not be able to complete the work well if I handled it with human emotions.
Sometimes I felt a sense of happiness when I wrote about retribution, but I then realized that I was not compassionate. Those perpetrators are being used and are also beings that we need to save. Dafa disciples should simply focus on saving sentient beings.
Being as Accurate as Possible
Apart from collecting information on Minghui, several local practitioners wrote about their personal experiences of persecution and passed them to me. I then cross-referenced them with those published on Minghui.
If existing materials needed to be edited or amended, I would do those and then continue to write my report.
I used charts and graphs to show statistical data, as this is the most effective way to present an immediate overview of the magnitude of practitioners' suffering.
Dafa Disciples' Existence
When I finished this tremendous task, my heart was heavy. I realized that, if our cultivation state is not up to par, we will not be able to do the three things well.
I also understood the significance of Dafa disciples' responsibilities. So many sentient beings are still waiting to hear the truth even as they are still being bombarded with the Party's lies and propaganda by the state-run media.
When the report was published on Minghui, some practitioners suggested that we distribute the information in our area.
The number of arrests and illegal sentences in the area has dropped significantly since the publication of the report and our truth-clarification efforts.
The power of articles and reports and the use of statistics that document the persecution has a tremendous effect on suppressing it.
No matter what Dafa projects we are involved in, big or small, we should do them well and thoroughly. We should do a complete job and strive to end this persecution.