(Minghui.org) Fellow practitioners, please ask yourself whether you are acting according to the Fa and whether you are a true disciple of Master Li Hongzhi.
Recently, a fake scripture has been circulating among some practitioners. The Minghui editorial board published a notice on April 28, 2013 (with Master's comment on April 26, 2013) regarding the particular fake scripture. The Fa-rectification is coming to an end soon. Why are practitioners still being taken in by fake scriptures even after Master explicitly warned us against reading and spreading them? Fellow practitioners, regardless of how long you have been cultivating, please think about it calmly and seriously.
I would like to bring to your attention what I've personally experienced and heard about in my local group of practitioners and hope it will be helpful in improving our overall cultivation. Please point out anything that is missing or inappropriate.
Some practitioners are obsessed with their work and their lives in ordinary society, and they cannot let go of fame, gain, and sentimentality. They have not focused wholeheartedly on doing the three things and have not met Dafa's requirements. Their cultivation levels have been stagnant for an extended period of time.
Some have their celestial eyes opened at a certain level and go around telling others that someone has animal possession, someone used to be a certain historic figure, or certain practitioners were related in certain ways in their previous lives, and so on.
Some pay too much attention to the social climate, trends, and changes and place their hopes in ordinary people to end the persecution.
Some keep searching externally and focusing on other practitioners' shortcomings. Some even accuse other practitioners of understanding the Fa in an evil way, while the accused have been nothing but responsible and already corrected their missteps promptly through diligent cultivation.
Some do not look within to try to improve and are not kind when they point out the issues of fellow practitioners who are going through tribulations. In fact, they broadcast fellow practitioners' weaknesses, thereby creating new tribulations for them.
Some who started practicing Dafa after 1999 have not systematically studied the teachings or have not been able to create a supportive family environment. They do not participate in group Fa study, nor can they study the teachings well themselves. These practitioners have not acted according to the Fa and usually seek out other practitioners for solutions to their problems.
Some have remained superficial in their Fa study and adhered only to the formality for a long time. They are sleepy and semi-conscious while sending righteous thoughts. Many practitioners who started practicing Dafa before 1999 are the same way.
Some strive to be different and unconventional and want to follow Master's footsteps in a literal and superficial way. They've visited mountains and temples around the country. They claim to be practitioners, yet they don't truly understand that the only way to improve is by cultivating their xinxing.
Some choose to ignore Master's warning that cell phones can be used by the evildoers as eavesdropping devices. They use their phones to contact other practitioners with no concern for security. When others point it out, they accuse other practitioners of the attachment to fear and continue to spread the false accusation among practitioners.
Some have harbored their fundamental attachments for a long time or have never realized these attachments. They have been halfway in true Dafa cultivation, participating in Dafa projects on a superficial level and with a human mindset.
There are many more such examples of not meeting the strict and sacred requirements of the Fa-rectification. What can we do about it? The only solution is to follow what Master taught us. I offer Master's Fa below and hope we can all advance diligently and improve as a whole body.
Master said:
“But that said, however hard it may be, however much interference or difficulty may be introduced by a being prior to saving him, Dafa disciples do have ways forward. As I have always said, as Dafa disciples your historic missions are simply huge, with you shouldering the responsibility of saving sentient beings. So for sure there is a path that you will be able to walk through to completion. It is a path that has to meet the requirements, and only that way will the sentient beings of the cosmos admire you and not be able to interfere; will your path be free of problems; and will your journey go smoothly. Otherwise, if you are carrying all sorts of attachments and human thoughts, you will meet with a great deal of trouble, and that trouble will serve to block your path. When you fail to walk the correct path, one reason for it is karmic causes. Among them is the trouble that accompanies a being in the background; past favors done for others or scores to settle; old promises; all of the different connections one might have with a being, and so on. Another cause is the attachments that come from one’s human mindset. Especially notable are the notions that one forms, or habits of thought that one forms, which make it very hard for a person to recognize when human thinking is unconsciously at work. And if one can’t recognize it, how is one to get rid of it? This is particularly challenging in the setting of China, where the evil Party has destroyed traditional Chinese culture and rigged up its own evil Party stuff instead—what we refer to as “the culture of the Party.” It’s indeed going to be hard to recognize the Truth of the cosmos when one uses the habits of thought bred by that culture. And one won’t even be able to recognize that certain bad thinking and behavior are at odds with universal values. If one can’t recognize bad thinking for what it is, then what can be done? There is no other way but to act according to Dafa.” (“20th Anniversary Fa Teaching,” Collected Fa Teachings, Vol. XI)
Category: Improving Oneself