(Minghui.org) Welcome to the Minghui Radio podcasts. Topics include stories relating to the persecution of Falun Gong in China, insights and experiences gained by practitioners during the course of their cultivation, special items of interest, and music composed and performed by Dafa practitioners.
Podcast 1586: As a teenager this practitioner lived in harmony with Dafa as several generations of his family all practiced together. When the persecution in China began in 1999, he moved to Japan to study, and has remained there for 22 years. Following a life threatening accident, he came to understand the sacred responsibility bestowed upon Dafa practitioners. This and other stories from the Minghui website.
Original Articles:1. Falun Dafa Saved Me When I Was Hit by a Car2. Some Thoughts on the Attachment to Oneself3. My Understanding on Studying the Fa and Sending Righteous Thoughts Well
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