(Minghui.org) After the persecution was launched I read many practitioners’ articles on the Minghui website about how to clarify the truth. However I still didn’t know how to effectively talk to people about Falun Dafa and the persecution.
When I called people in the beginning, after we exchanged pleasantries I read the truth clarification materials I had printed from the Minghui website—and I kept reading no matter whether the person seemed willing to listen or not.
For the longest time, I wasn’t able to think quickly or speak as fluently as other practitioners. I realized later that what the other practitioners said was based on the Fa principles they enlightened to, therefore I couldn’t just repeat messages that were not based on my own understanding. So I decided to reach my own understanding and ask Master, the founder of Falun Dafa, to guide me.
Master noticed my wish and gave me wisdom as I continued to study the Fa. If I didn’t know the answers to the questions people asked, I recalled what Master said in his lectures. Master enlightened me when I studied the Fa. I can now talk to people based on the Fa principles that I’ve enlightened to.
For example, Master said:
“To not do anything in those circumstances would reflect poorly on your character, since a good person would respond. If you don’t even care when someone is getting murdered or there’s a fire, then what would you care about?” (The Ninth Talk, Zhuan Falun)
I understood what it took to be a good person and how to be a good person. When people asked, “You talk about Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, so why are you against the government? Why are you distributing the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party? Why are you involved in politics? Why can’t you be tolerant?”
I replied, “The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) killed countless good people, but you want me to be tolerant. Do you have any sense of justice? Can you discern right from wrong? Why are you defending a tyrannical regime?” After I said this, they were usually quiet, and I continued clarifying the truth.
When people warned me that I would be arrested, I usually replied, “Indeed! People who believe in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance are often arrested. But please keep Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance in your heart, because blessings follow good people.” They usually smile and agree when they hear this and are receptive to hearing about Falun Dafa, the persecution, and renouncing the CCP.
I often tell people, “Falun Dafa is the best! Falun Dafa is the truth! Falun Dafa is the kindest! Falun Dafa is the most trustworthy!” Most people give me a thumbs up and say, “Falun Dafa is good!”
One question I hear frequently is, “What are you doing?” I tell people, “Master Li wants me to awaken people, and he is offering you salvation.” Most people are touched and agree to quit the CCP.
I tell people, “Be a good person, and be sincere, kind, and tolerant.” Some people say that good people usually get bullied, and I explain why being a good person has its rewards.
I was reading Hong Yin VI a few days ago. Master said:
“... Tradition and kindness ennoble our character ...”(“Towards Salvation,” Hong Yin VI)
I understood that Master was telling me to tell people that “being a good person makes one noble.”